Les Hankamer

Secretary, Hankamer
Pct. 1
[email protected]


Vacant, Anahuac,
Pct. 4

Rick Nicely

Director, Winnie,
Pct. 2
(409) 782-0086
[email protected]

Annette Rayburn

Director, Stowell,
Pct 5
(409) 781-3352
[email protected]

Victor Caraway

President, Winnie,
Pct. 3
[email protected]

Kate Leverett

Board Attorney
[email protected]

Jerry Shadden

David Hoyt

Operations Coordinator
(409) 658-1263

[email protected]

Trinity Bay Conservation
District’s lobby hours

Monday -Thursday
7:00 am to 5:00 pm.

The drive-thru is open until
5:30 pm.

Winnie/ Stowell Office

Physical Address
2500 Hwy, 124
Stowell, TX 77661
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 599
Stowell, TX  77661-0599

Phone / 409-296-3602
Fax / 409-296-3745

Email Address
[email protected]

For New Installations of Water and/or Sanitary Sewer Services, Contact:
Diane Newsome, Project Manager
[email protected]
All other services and/or transfers of water and/or sanitary sewer services should contact 409-296-3602.

Human Resource
Crystal Threadgill
[email protected]

Invoices can be sent to:
[email protected]